explore the lot
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explorer le lot

The Glamping


chalk line

banks of the lot
palm tree
parc nature des causses de quercy

Parc naturel des
Causses du Quercy


In the heart of the protected area of the Parc Naturel des Causses du Quercy, Mas de Nadal, through its labels and sustainable commitmentsadheres to the values of environmental preservation and heritage enhancement promoted by the Park’s charter.

This precious territory, made up of a mosaic of villages and landscapes, combines art de vivre, nature and history.

Discover exceptional flora and fauna on interpretive trails, on horseback or by bike!

Explore geosites, the unusual and often spectacular places that tell the geological story of the region: caves, phosphatières, chasms, archaeosites, cliffs and creeks.

grotte du pech merle

padirac grotte

villlage de martel


Cultural visits


The Lot’s historical and cultural heritage is one of the richest in France, with evidence of every era from prehistory to the Renaissance.

The region boasts an exceptional number of castles, many of which bear witness to the Hundred Years’ War. Visit Cénevières, Montal, Castelnau-Bretenoux, Assier or Bonaguil.

In Cabrerets, don’t miss the discovery of troglodyte dwellings, and fascinating museums will enlighten you on the history, traditions and know-how of the Lot.

These include the Cuzals museum, dedicated to life in the Quercy countryside, and the Musée des Écritures du Monde in the heart of Figeac.

cuzals museum
carennac lot
palm tree


a sportsman’s paradise, river beaches and local produce

chalk line